SUN Microsystems Case Analysis

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SUN Microsystems Case Analysis

Sun Microsystems had an extremely tough decision to make in regards to

its procurement strategy. They had to decide if they were going to

take on an “E-sourcing” or “dynamic bidding” auction-type strategy

with making purchases from their suppliers. Taking on this type of

procurement strategy would benefit Sun with cost-savings on

procurements, but may jeopardize their supplier relationships and

quality of inputs for Sun products.

After reviewing the enclosed financial data for Sun from 1996-1999, it

is apparent that some trends are consistent. Sun’s cost of goods sold

has consistently been around half of their revenue for prior fiscal

years, resulting in an approximate gross margin of 50%. With this in

mind, Sun had to put together a team to try and reduce this amount.

Sonia Syngal was the leader of the team to investigate E-sourcing

strategies to reduce the $9 Billion spent annually by Sun on


The idea of reverse-auctioning appears to be a great strategy for


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