Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Sonia Sotomayor

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Imagine being very smart and having much knowledge, but everything is on your way from showing it to the world. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was one of the few women who attended Harvard for law in the 1950s. Sonia Sotomayor is a Latina woman who also faced discrimination and challenges in pursuing her dream. In "Supreme Court Justices Gisburg and Sotomayor," these women face challenges of discrimination, disease, and injustice that they overcame to become greatly successful. Ruth Bader Ginsburg fought discrimination and injustice because of her gender so that she could accomplish her dream of being a lawyer. "Source 1: Ruth Bader Ginsburg" from "Supreme Court Justices Gisburg and Sotomayor" states, "She was one of only nine women in a class of 600 …show more content…

Ginsburg continues her studies and becomes the first female tenured professor at Columbia University later on. The "Source 1: Ruth Bader Ginsburg" also states, "Justice Ginsburg's experiences led her to work toward equal rights for women.... She worked as a lawyer on their [Women's Rights Project of the American Civil Liberties Union] behalf and argued six cases on gender equality before the Supreme Court. She won five of them." This means that although she was discouraged by many people, Ginsburg didn't let that stop her from becoming an attorney who argued cases for people with the same experiences as her. She helped many people by taking hers and other people's experiences and turning it into something great that would affect many women, and men. The challenges Ginsburg faced impacted her greatly, from discrimination to injustice, these contributed to her success in her dream. Sonia Sotomayor faced many hardships along the way in her dream of becoming a lawyer. Some of these include diseases, hardship, and

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