Judicial Branch

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The Judicial Branch clarifies and assigns the laws. It provides the working for the disagreements. The Judicial Branch doesn’t make the laws or enforces the laws, but it explains and assigns the laws. The judicial branch is made up of all the court systems. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the judicial branch. The courts decide the disagreements about the laws and how they should be assigned. The supreme court only hears cases that have made their way through all of the courts. Once the supreme court makes the decision, it can only be changed by another decision made by the supreme court. There has been 7,000 or 7,500 cases sent to the supreme court, only about 90 or 100 will be accepted.The judicial branch (or the supreme court) has the most important powers, it can affect a lot of lives of so many people in a good or bad way. All of the cases that the supreme court …show more content…

Board of Education in 1954 This case is about getting racial fairness. There were a girl named Linda Brown, her friends, her sister, and other black students that wasn’t allowed to enter the white separated schools. NAACP filed a lawsuit on Linda and her group (because they were black) called Oliver Brown. They knew that their XIV amendment rights was excluded by separate schools. At the supreme court it was considered that the separation of schools (for the blacks and whites) was unconstitutional, because it insulted the Equal Protection Clause of the XIV amendment. Texas v. Johnson in 1989 This case is about the I amendment rights that included symbolic speech. In a demonstration, Greg Lee Johnson lit the flag of the U.S. on fire. Many people that were watching was insulted at this, so Johnson was charged and convicted of rudeness of an object that is honored. The case went onto the Supreme Court. When the Supreme court heard about the case, they sided with Johnson and reversed his conviction. Gibbons v. Ogden in

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