Run Lola Run

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In this text Amelia Hill gives an example of what teenage girl’s these days have to put up with, and how girls are influenced by pop culture . This text shows different sources of information about mental disorders and the behaviour of teenage girl’s in our generation. I personally disagree with some of these facts as they are not very realistic and stereotypical .

The statements that Amelia Hill makes about females and males in this text are statements that I strongly disagree with . Hill gives information about girls and crime rates have risen by fifty percent, and young girls are responsible for twenty one percent of offences that reach court.An idea that really got me thinking was about a survey done in the United Kingdom got results from fourteen to twenty one year olds “ one in three girls and one in two boys thinks there are circumstances in which it would be acceptable to hit a woman or force her to have sex”. I personally think that girls should not have different rights to men and so for that statement to be said, I dislike that people would think it is okay to hit a woman or even to force her to have sex , as it is wrong and unfair on women's rights. It gives the idea that men are more dominant than woman. The results of this survey frustrates me and gives the reader an idea that men have more power than women . I believe that women have the same rights as men and should not be treated differently . People may even get influenced by these results and think its fine to be doing this to their partner or even a stranger who sees this. In everyday life examples even in New Zealand there are cases that women get raped or even if there is a couple that have a fight they will think its okay to hit a woman in the face. To m...

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...ation and this also relating back to the message the I got . Females think that they have to be skinny or pretty to be a model and people judge them , then they lose self confidence just by that one comment.

In conclusion the facts are not fair and I do not agree with any of them. Year twelve students may find this text interesting, because you see her point of view of feminism and you also learn a lot of things from this text. From the examples that I have given throughout this report shows that I one hundred percent do not agree with what Amelia Hill has to say ,other students may think the same themselves, or think that what Hill has to say is very true . Overall I think this text about feminism is negative towards females and I think other females may also agree. So I strongly would not suggest this text to year twelve students as there are so many stereotypes .

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