Ruining Childhoods

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A debate that has been ongoing this past 21st century between millennials and the older aged group is, whether or not modern society is ruining childhoods. The way we display news and people has changed but that’s what most people are afraid of, change. Bryant McGill said, “Life moves forward. The old leaves wither, die and fall away, and the new growth extends forward into the light.” This quote shows precisely what it means to look forward and not back into the past. We only have the future to look forward to, the past is but a memory and words written down to tell an event or time. I am here to discuss why modern society does not have a downfall on the future of our species.

To start off, the older aged group says our generation has no imagination or drive to do anything. Our imagination is “gone”, in reality we input our imagination into different outlets. For example, 91% of the kids ages 2-17 have played or have video games, videogames are a great place for people who want to express emotion or build ideas in different ways. The aged side thinks video games just are a waste of time and they make people grow lazy and have no energy to work or do anything, but it actually all depends on the person playing the games, a person can play video games to be a stress reliever or the can just do it for the fun of it. I get …show more content…

37% of all kids in the U.S. Ages 13 to 17 have phones, which leaves the other 63% of kids without phones and no handheld internet access. More kids are without a handheld access to the web than kids with access. “But wait, what about the social media!” The social media is meant for someone to be social hence the name, it all depends on the user and what their main purpose is on the social media. Some use it as an outlet to pour their feelings into or they decide to use it in the wrong way that is usually shamed

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