Roy's Nutrition Case

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1. How may the recent death of his wife affect Roy’s nutritional status? What are some ways his friends and family may help him through this time?
Roy has lost his wife which has caused him to feel down and loose his appetite. This can lead to malnutrition, but his family can help him by offering him healthy snacks whenever possible. His family can also let him know about the Older Americans Act Nutrition Program. This program can offer him healthy meals, social activities, and much more.

2. What are some risk factors for malnutrition that Roy exhibits?
Roy exhibits several risk factors for malnutrition. Roy has poor appetite, he eats 3 meals however doesn’t eat between meals. Another risk factor is that he’s unable to shop for his food on his own. Lastly, he seems to be lonely, especially now that his wife has …show more content…

Refer to Table 17-2 “Nutrient Concerns of Aging” and Table 17-4 “Strategies for Growing Old Healthfully” and describe components that are lacking in Roy’s current lifestyle.
Roy seems to be drinking milk, but not water which may be causing dehydration. He also seems to not have much energy which may be due to his muscle mass decreasing. Furthermore, Roy doesn’t eat many foods that are rich in iron, zinc, fiber, and vitamin b12. Roy doesn’t practice mental skills, these can include solving math problems or crossword puzzles. Lastly, Roy has been wanting to stay inside lately, however he should go out for sunshine and fresh air.

6. Suggest ways to improve Roy’s current diet with essential nutrients that are currently lacking, including nutritional supplementation if needed.
Roy isn’t eating many foods rich in iron, he should try to eat foods like chicken, broccoli, and spinach. He also isn’t consuming foods rich in zinc, he can try adding almonds, beef, and yogurt to his diet. To improve his fiber intake he can eat his sandwich with whole wheat bread and eat lentils. Finally, some vitamin b12 rich foods are peaches, carrots, and

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