Rorschach Ink Blot Analysis

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Psychology is a fascinating branch of science. It is the study of the human mind and the mental processes behind it, especially those relating to a person's behavior. There are many theories surrounding how the brain functions behaviorally, and how to treat issues relating to that. This brings up one of the most controversial, yet the most widespread theory in the field of psychology: psychoanalysis.
Psychoanalysis was developed by a German psychologist named Sigmund Freud in the late eighteenth century. Psychoanalysis states that human behavior as well as personality is the result of interactions among three key parts of the unconscious mind, which are the id, ego, and superego. The id was said to be the selfish element of the brain; concerned with only it's own fulfillment for basic needs and desires instead of others, …show more content…

They are random patterns of ink blots on a page, and the patient is supposed to describe what they see. The blots don't mean anything, but the most important thing is what they interpret it to be, which helps the therapist analyze the patient's mind. Dream analysis is similar to that. It focuses on studying the person's unconscious mind to get some information behind the patient's certain behaviors. Only instead of using ink blots, the therapist asks the patient to talk about his or her dreams, which may be symbolic of what's going on in their unconscious. Lastly, free association is the most basic technique used in psychoanalytic therapy. Simply put, the therapist asks the patient to talk about whatever pops up into their mind at the time based off of reading a list of words. The presence of a long pause, or some other form of resistance when a certain word is spoken could be an indicator that the patient is getting to an significant memory they've repressed. Like the other techniques used in the therapy, it gives a better perspective on the person's psyche as well as their inner

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