Root Cause Analysis Paper

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Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan Root-cause analysis (RCA) is a systematic method used to identify the underlying causes of adverse events or near misses in healthcare settings, aiming to prevent their recurrence and enhance patient safety (Singh, 2023). In this paper, I will conduct a root-cause analysis and develop a safety improvement plan for the issue of delayed response to deteriorating patient condition in an acute care setting. This issue is particularly critical in acute care environments where timely intervention can mean the difference between life and death.This analysis is vital for understanding the factors contributing to delayed responses and implementing effective strategies to mitigate risks and enhance patient …show more content…

These factors create an environment where patients at risk of deterioration may not receive timely interventions, resulting in adverse outcomes such as prolonged hospital stays, increased morbidity, and mortality. In my role as a nurse on an acute care floor, I encountered a patient who experienced a deteriorating condition, prompting the need to call a rapid response team (RRT). The patient, an elderly individual admitted for treatment of pneumonia, began to exhibit signs of respiratory distress, including increased respiratory rate, labored breathing, and oxygen saturation levels dropping to 80%. Despite administering supplemental oxygen and positioning the patient appropriately, their condition continued to worsen rapidly. As the primary nurse responsible for their care, I promptly recognized the urgency of the situation and initiated the appropriate protocols to activate the RRT. However, upon reflection and analysis of the event, several factors contributing to the delayed response became apparent. On that particular day, I was assigned to care for six patients, which further compounded the challenges of providing timely and comprehensive care to each individual. Therefore, due to high patient acuity …show more content…

Application of Evidence-Based Strategies Implementing evidence-based interventions is crucial in effectively addressing these challenges. Early warning scoring systems (EWSS) empower nurses to promptly identify signs of deterioration, facilitating timely intervention to prevent the worsening of a patient's condition. An EWSS consists of both input and output components. The input entails identifying patients whose condition is deteriorating and triggering an appropriate response. The output encompasses the response itself, which may involve heightened monitoring, assessment by a rapid response team, or transfer to the intensive care unit (Nagarajah et al., 2022). Rapid response teams (RRT) have emerged as a simple yet effective approach to tackling the primary factors contributing to Failure to Rescue (FTR). This includes deficiencies in monitoring and identifying patients at high risk of rapid clinical decline,

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