Roosevelt as President

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Roosevelt as President In 1932 Roosevelt became president in the U.S.A. Roosevelt gained the presidential status quite easily as the former president Hoover did nothing to get America out of the depression; he used the saying ‘Laissez – faire’. Roosevelt and Hoover were very different campaigners; Roosevelt had some good ideas to get America out of the depression, where as Hoover was noticeably unsuccessful with dealing with the Wall Street Crash and was kicked out of the white house in 1932. Hoover thought the government should stay out of businesses, ‘laissez faire’ and wait, but it soon was realised that the depression was becoming worse. At a last resort to try and stay president Hoover attempted to do something and interfere with businesses, by giving them loans etc, but the passion just wasn’t there. Soon Hoover became a national failure; many of the American citizens were unemployed and homeless. The boxes in which the homeless slept in were named ‘Hoovervilles’. When Roosevelt came there wasn’t much competition (Roosevelt won the election by 7 million votes); many of the Americans hated Hoover and Roosevelt had some great ideas and aims to get America out of the depression. Roosevelt was brought up well; he came from a rich family and was well educated. He had a huge passion for the government and went really far, but in 1921 Roosevelt caught polio and had to stop all work. Roosevelt worked hard for years trying to regain his health and in 1928 he stood for the governor of New York and won. In 1932 Roosevelt became president. Roosevelt achieved his status by setting up the New Deal.

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