The Election of Franklin D. Roosevelt for President

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In November 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President of the United States of America. He had beaten his Republican opponent Hoover with 89% of the electoral votes to 11%. Roosevelt also gained 22.8 million popular votes to Hoover's 15.8 million. For Roosevelt to be elected into his presidential role, it had taken several events and reasons for Roosevelt to reach that position. The previous presidential elections to 1932 were in 1928. 1928 had been a completely different climate to 1932, the 1920s in America were seen as extremely 'prosperous' and the economy was 'booming'. The unemployment rate stood at 3.7% until 1929. Working hours had decreased to an average of 44 hours a week, whereas wages of the industrial workers had risen by 14%. Industrial production rose by 50%, and the GNP stood at almost $104 billion. The people of America were also spending more time and money on entertainment. The 1920s were also a good decade for cinema, and 80 million tickets were being sold weekly. With all the prosperity, people had little reason to complain. The current government, run by Herbert Hoover a Republican, adopted a policy of no interference with America's economy, called laissez-faire. The government did however; introduce policies that affected the economy. Tax reductions was one example, the reductions mainly benefited the wealthy. Also as the government had few personnel to enforce regulations, many businesses were left to carry on with their business as they pleased. These policies satisfied many and gave them no reason to have any problem with the government's running of the country. The laissez-faire policy was a ... ... middle of paper ... ...d have meant the end for a public life; instead he made the effort to rebuild his body and continued with his work. Roosevelt was elected in 1932, due to his own work and reputation for promising relief programmes that suggested that he was the support and aid the country needed. His reputation helped him get elected due to the current state of the country and it's running. Hoover's policies and attitude had made him the right person for President in 1928, but after the economic disaster that affected the whole world struck, he was completely wrong for the American recovery. Roosevelt being the opposite of Hoover made him the right choice. When he was elected President, Roosevelt flew over to Chicago and accepting his nomination, with the words "I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people".

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