Ronald Reagan Qualities

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When thinking about a person to write about for my paper I decided to write about Ronald Reagan. I believe he is one of many great leaders that this country has seen over the course of history. In the following paragraphs I will describe the traits that made him a great leader, what effect his leadership has had, and last I will talk about the one trait that he had that I admire and try to implement into my life. Ronald Reagan displayed many character traits that make a great leader. Here we will look at five in particular that I believe made him a great leader. First, vision. He was a visionary and had a vision for our country. As the article in the National Review states, he “emboldened America” (Elliot, 2015). His vision was bold …show more content…

Some will say that Ronald Reagan accomplished a great deal for our country, while others will disagree. Even though there are arguments on both sides, Reagans leadership traits still today influence those that have come after him. President Obama even has stated and believes that Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of this country in ways that other Presidents were not able to accomplish. You will find that, while there are those that want to focus on his shortcomings, there are just as many that focus on his boldness and leadership styles mentioned above. They remember him for what he was willing to take a stand for when no one else would take those same stands. Ronald Reagan’s impact on leaders today in this country are both positive and negative. It depends on their own personal beliefs on how they will view Reagans …show more content…

I feel that a great leader must possess courage. Courage to go against the norm in your organization be an agent of change for the better of the organization. Most organizations get comfortable with the familiar and are reluctant to make changes for fear of failing. That is why companies fail. As a leader it is essential to have the courage to stand up and make the changes that will benefit the organization in the long run regardless of the resistance of the few. It is not important just to say you want change but you need to believe in the changes you want to make and exemplify courage in your demeanor and the way you address those within your organization. My entire life has been about going against the norm and having the courage to stand up for what I believe is right. Courage to be is something you either have or do not. I believe that courage is ingrained in your personality. In my career as both a Nurse and now as a Healthcare Business Analyst I tend to go against the norm and forge ahead to make changes that will benefit the organizations I have worked for. It has been something as simple as restructuring the way trains new business analysts where I currently work. When I started working for my organization almost a year ago I would hear people talking about how there needed to be a new and more efficient way to train new employees. The

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