Romeo And Juliet Love Essay

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The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is considered to be the greatest love story of all time. It has stood the test of time and many of the readers to this day relate to the young couples romantic story. Due to the way Shakespeare spun the story many readers seem to get hooked to the tale before the end of act 1. Some of the themes seen throughout the story that readers usually relate to are love conquers all, the individual against society, and passion causes violence at times.
Many people relate to the romantic tale of Romeo and Juliet. It seems that its human nature to love and have a sort of forbidden temptation such as Romeo and Juliet had for each other. Love is an almost overpowering and intense passion that drives people to do things they would have never done before. For example Romeo himself went to the Capulet party just to have another chance of being with his first love Rosaline. In Act 1 Scene 2 Romeo reads a letter of invitation for a servant of the Capulet family while he read he saw that Rosaline would be attending and he decided to take a risk and go into his o...

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