Romans Of Mercy Research Paper

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64. Made Vessels Of Mercy- New Favor. Romans 9:23
65. Made A Branch- New Graft. John 15:1-8
66. Made An Ambassador- II Corinthians 5:20 (Reference 6).

Romans 5:12
“Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:”

Though mankind has a God-given free will giving him a choice, the Holy spirit draws all men to Christ, excluding none, but does not violate the gift of his will by forcing him to receive salvation by grace through faith (John 12:32; Ephesians 2:8,9). Man can reject His gracious gift of eternal everlasting life (John3:15,16). Christ died to make salvation possible for all who believe, but His blood cleanseth only those who are saved. The drawing …show more content…

Jesus with the mission walked ever forward to the old rugged cross as He willingly was nailed to the cross, died, and was raised on the third day in obedience to God's will making it possible for those that believe in Him to have eternal life. Without Him, the whole world is without hope and will be cast into the Lake of fire for an …show more content…

He and God the Father and God the Holy Spirit had a wonderful relationship (John 17:5). They were free from all corruption (Genesis 1:31). The Trinity did not have need of anything. They were not lonely. In this eternity God created time for His good pleasure (Revelation 4:11). There is nothing that God does not know (Acts 15:18) and Jesus knew all things that would come upon Him, even before creation (John 18:4). Yes, God knew He would give His only begotten Son to redeem sinful man, and yet He knew His great love for the world, and gave His only begotten Son to redeem mankind (John

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