Role of Prisons in Reducing Recidivism

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Role of Prisons in Reducing Recidivism

The role of prisons and prison wardens in reducing recidivism is a major concern today. With programs initialized in the prison systems, recidivism rates still have stayed about the same for forty years. Almost two-thirds of prisoners will be arrested after their release, and of those, half will return to prison for a new crime. The obstacle faced by professionals to change behavior is a multi-layered complex problem that needs to be addressed in our society today. Different views and opinions are given, and they do not lesson the impact of each other, but a multi-dimensional program should be utilized to achieve the goal of recidivism.

Professor Alex Holsinger of the University of Missouri states that each individual has a responsibility for his or her behavior and not to look at the penal system for absolute rehabilitation. The recidivism studies tend to clump entire criminal behavior into one study and do not look at all the different criminal offenses separately. For example, chronic drunk driving behavior and shoplifting behavior s...

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