Recycling And Recycling Essay

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The people of America throw away more trash than any other society in the world! America consumes 80 percent of our planet's resources, even though we make up only 20 percent of the world's population (Cooper 267). The average person throws away 4.3 pounds of trash each day. That's about 30 pounds per week and 120 pounds per month! (“Reduce and Reuse” 1). Americans throw away too much - that's the bottom line (Cooper 265). There is a garbage crisis in America and “the only part of the anti-waste message that has taken hold to any noticeable degree is the call to recycle” (Cooper 267). Our country's issues on trash and recycling go hand in hand. America produces too much trash, and the environment is suffering. There is some effort being put into countering these issues through recycling and trash management, but is it enough? (Cooper 267).
II. America seems to be experiencing a narrowing of disposal options (Griffin 1). Trash is either dumped into landfills, incinerated or burned, or recycled. Seventy percent of all solid waste ends up in landfills (Griffin 2). Each year, “240 million tires, 1.6 billion pens, 2 billion razors and blades and 16 billion disposable diapers” are dumped (Griffin 2). Five hundred disposable cups and 10,000 sheets of copy paper are used annually by the average office worker (“Waste and Recycling Facts” 1). In addition, 500,000 trees are needed every week to make two thirds of newspapers that are never recycled (Cooper 270). A twelve foot high wall going from Los Angeles to New York City could be built with office and writing paper that Americans use every year. Enough iron and steel is dumped by our country to continuously supply the whole nations auto manufacturers. Approximately 2.5 mi...

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... America, about the economic and environmental costs involved in disposing and recycling, and about some options that have worked, as well as ideas that could work in the future. I hope to see more recycling programs and laws in place and possibly a national law for recycling in the near future. I know our country could benefit if individuals were educated through the news, television programs, or community effort. I personally would like to be educated in how I can recycle more items and types of materials like food, chip bags, canned food cans, styrofoam, and green waste. By learning about the landfill crisis and recycling in the United States, I will definitely recycle more and encourage people to recycle. Hopefully, by teaching others about these issues, people will want to change their ways and take the time to collect, sort, and redeem recyclable materials.

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