Role Of Electricity In Frankenstein

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Is Frankenstein Possible
In the novel Frankenstein Dr. Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist created a monster by sewing together body parts he collected then bringing it to life by shocking it with a bunch of electricity. The science fiction in the novel Frankenstein would not work in boundaries of reality, because just adding electricity wouldn’t give life to Victor’s monster, the body parts Victor found would be too damaged, and the brain dies after fifteen minutes without oxygen.
Electricity is used in modern medicine to bring a recently dead person “back to life” in the form of defibrillators, so could enough electricity bring body parts sewed together to life? Defibrillators are used on people who have recently clinically died, and …show more content…

Clinical death is the cessation of the body’s vital functions, like heart beat and respiration. Through modern medicine and life support someone can survive being clinically dead, with things like heart transplants. There’s even body part transplants like in 2011 there was the first double leg transplant. So if it’s possible to take deceased body parts and transplant them into a clinically dead person and have them live then taking a bunch of dead parts to make one living person must be possible right? No, body parts used in transplants must be from a very recently deceased person, undamaged, and are frozen to preserve them long enough to make it into the recipient’s body. The body parts Victor got from charnel-houses, dissecting room, and the slaughter house would probably be damaged and were probably there at room temperature for a couple days. So the body parts Victor got would be unsalvageable due to damage from lack of oxygen. “When cells are deprived of oxygen and nutrients, they soon begin to self-destruct” (Miller). That process of cell self-destruction takes different amount of time according to the body part and the temperature, but usually after six hours’ irreversible damage occurs. That’s why the transplanted body parts are frozen until they reach the recipient because when cells are frozen it slows down the processes of the cell, and therefore slowing the process of self-destruction of the cell. The …show more content…

However new medicine and scientific breakthroughs are made every day, so maybe in the future it would be possible to give life to body parts sewed together. If that is possible in the future we don’t know, however even in that feature what Victor did would just not work. The body parts Victor collected would have been clinically dead months before he created the monster, and all the cells would have self-destructed due to lack of oxygen. Even if the body parts where in perfect condition the biggest issue would have been the brain. The brain uses twenty-five percent of the body’s oxygen so when there’s no oxygen being pumped through the body the brain is the first organ that dies. What if Victor got a brain that despite not having oxygen in who knows how long still had some activity going on and was only brain damaged (which is impossible). The way modern doctors treat brain damage is through a team of highly trained specialists and carful procedures that even then have a low chance of full recovery, not by randomly shocking the patient with a lethal amount of

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