Robert Morris A Pacifist

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Robert Morris was born in Liverpool United Kingdom on January 31, 1734. His childhood was short and uneventful as he worked as an ironworker until he was 13. At age 13 Morris immigrated to Maryland with his father to become a tobacco exporter in Oxford, Maryland. He studied in Philadelphia for a short period of time, and then moved on to make his own companies. At this time he was also the first person to keep his accounts in money instead of pounds, gallons, etc. When Robert Morris was in his twenties, he and some of his friends put some of their money together to help create the London Coffee House. The London Coffee House was home to the beginning of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. During the 7 year war, …show more content…

Morris strongly thought that the Americans were not ready for self rule away from Brittan; he also thought that if they did break away from Brittan that the colonies would break in to anarchy because they did not have rules or someone to follow. Morris was more of a pacifist than a fighter, so he was trying to encoring not going in to war with the strongest country of the day. This point of view strongly influenced Morris because when the time to vote for independence came, he decided to abstain from voting. There has been a lot of debate on whether or not Morris was present when the Declaration of Independence was approved, but he was present when it was time to sign it. From then on Morris dedicated all of his time to helping the patriots. One of the more notable things that he did to help was that before the Battle of Trenton he was able to supply guns, blankets and finical support. Later in 1777 Morris went back to congress to sign Articles of Confederation. In 1778 Morris retired from congress and went back to Pennsylvania Assembly working with checks and balances, along with helping to protect …show more content…

During the time he was appointed the government was in a finical crisis, so he created the first national funding proposal. He slashed government and military spending and bought military supplies with his own money, he also begged the other colonies to help pitch in money for the government. After Morris left the office he used over a million notes of his own money to feed and pay the troops, thought most of the money he had was from loans he had in France. While doing that Morris was building the first bank in America ( The Bank of North America ). Once the war ended Morris made it his duty to pay back all of his debs to France, even though he was basally bankrupt because of using his own fortune to help the country win the war. In 1784 Morris sent the first American ships to China to establish the China trade route. 3 years later in 1787, Morris hosted/escorted George Washington to Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Ware Morris Voted for Washington to be the Chairman of the Convention. Morris then signed the new U. S. Constitution. Morris was one of 2 signers that had signed all three founding

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