Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken

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In our lives we all make thousands of choices. The impact of a single choice however may not always be so obvious. In the poem, ‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost, he talks of the decision on which trail to take when the yellow wood diverged into two. Most notably the end he states, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference.”
Some of the most life impacting choices we make occur during our teens. Likewise, in towns with more than one high school deciding which school to attend can have a large impact on your life. Luckily for me our school district is open enrollment allowing all students to choose in Eighth grade which school they would like to attend. This a very …show more content…

The first was Century, this was the school that would chant GPA! GPA! GPA! Against schools while still losing by vast amounts because they were thought of as only the smart kid school. Then there was Highland. The school on the hill. This was the powerhouse in the state for many sports. They were the only 5A school in town. They were also the school for ‘rich’ kids and always had the most stuck up kids. Lastly there was Pocatello High. The town's first school which had been around for 125 years. This was the school many members of my family had attended and some even taught at. Yet this was school in the ghetto, many looked down upon those who attended. Yet there is something about the school that attracts people. The tradition of Poky High is like no other. I didn’t know it yet, not for years, that the decision of circling POCATELLO HIGH SCHOOL on the sheet for the High School I would attend would change my life so …show more content…

Faust states in a talk he gave how some decisions we make have deadlines. I firmly believe this is so in many cases. He also tells us how ‘Some choices present good opportunities no matter which road we take—for example, when deciding which career path to follow or which school to attend. I know one bright and able young man who wanted to become a doctor, but the opportunity did not open up for him; so he chose to follow the law. He has become a very successful lawyer, but I am satisfied he would have been equally successful as a doctor.” Like choosing Pocatello as my school the choice to become a lawyer not doctor plays a large role on how this man’s life turned out. A friend I became close with recently told me a story of the accident his father incurred involving a train crash while working impacted his life. He talked of the power of one choice and how it can affect more than just yourself. He was in a very depressed stage of his life and very distraught from his father’s accident and whether he would live or not. Sadly, he informed us that this brought him to attempting suicide. He said he didn’t realize it then but the decision to not do so made him stringer than before. He was able to realize that decision however small to him it felt was huge to others. There truly is no small decision in this world we live in today. One thing can change everything, whether good or

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