Rka Shome Global Mothers Summary

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The study conducted in this article was done in order to show how Caucasian females are considered to be Earth’s “global mothers.” The essay emphasizes specifically on how close associations of race, gender, sexuality, and expansionism are assigned and then executed in the modern positions of the Caucasian women. Raka Shome, the author, examines the representational logics of global motherhood by zoning in on Princess Diana, Madonna, and Angelina Jolie. Mostly looking into Princess Diana because she was the first women in modern times to represent global motherhood, and is a role model for Madonna and Jolie. While looking into Princess Diana, Shome was interested in the way(s) white women are viewed as always loving and caring enough to be considered the global mothers. Through content analysis Shome addresses how white women are often shown in a soft light, making them glow angelically. White women are also usually incredibly beautiful, usually tall, fit, and middle or upper class when photographed for advertisement purposes. This research attempts to explain why white women are seen universally as global …show more content…

Shome’s entire investigation of white females being seen global mothers helps to validate her claim. She organized her essay almost perfect. To begin with, as usual, she started with an introduction. This introduction was a few paragraphs long but very helpful because it clearly states the reason for her study. Another thing that was stated is that there is little work written on the transnationalism of white femininity before she conducted this study. She defines minimal terms in the introduction, such as ethical imperialism and transnational intimacies, to ensure her readers feel informed about the topic before moving on. I do feel that there are a couple other terms Shome should have defined, but not necessarily in the introduction, in order to further educate her

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