Rigoberta Menchu - Liar or Educator?

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In the article “Liar, Rigoberta Menchu” by Dinesh D’Souze(1999) he states that anthropologist David Stoll and New York Times reporter Larry Rohter found evidence that Rigoberta Menchu lied in her autobiography and therefore her book should not be used in schools and universities.

First of all it is said that Rigoberta Menchu claims that she never went to school but she actually has the equivalent of a middle school education which she received due to a scholarship and attended two prestigious private boarding schools that were operated by Catholic nuns, this was verified by her half-sister who also said that Rigoberta could have not spent eight months on coffee and plantation fields and working as a political organizer because she spent much of her youth in boarding schools.

As well as when Menchu tells how she watched her brother die of malnutrition but that through investigation he was found alive and working in a homestead in Guatemala, and according to members of Menchu’s family she also lied about a second brother being burned alive and that her parents were forced to watch....

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