Richard Ramirez Research Paper

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Serial killers are often automatically shrugged off, although it is understandable. Learning about them is not what many people want to do, but it is extremely interesting to learn why they did the things they did. Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker, is an example of someone who is unusually interesting. Richard Ramirez is a serial killer who was found guilty of 13 murders, a couple of sexual assaults, and burglaries. He was sentenced to death by California’s gas chamber, but he died in prison in 2013. Richard was a worshiper of the devil, had poor hygiene, and was overall a terrible person. Why and how did he get this way?
Richard Ramirez was born on the 29th of February 1960. He was born to Julian Ramirez and Mercedes Ramirez. He was born
J. Simpson murder case in 1994” (Wiki), Richard Ramirez got the death penalty by California’s gas chamber. Ramirez never actually got executed and stayed in prison until his death in 2013. He died due to complications with lymphoma. But while he was in jail he still did things, not crimes though.
Richard did many interviews with the media and had many followers who often wrote letters to him. One interviewer, Doreen Lioy, had a passionate interest in Richard Ramirez. She was so interested in him that the two got married in 1996. She loved him so much that she said she would kill herself when he is executed. Her current whereabouts are unknown, she clearly didn’t want to live up to it.
Richard Ramirez was an absolute monster who terrorized the people of Los Angeles for years. He was finally caught and “found guilty of 13 counts of murder, 5 attempted murders, 11 sexual assaults and 14 burglaries” (murderpedia). He was known for his dislike of hypocrites when he in fact was a hypocrite. When he was in jail he bragged about how he loved to murder people, but when he was first caught pleaded to be innocent. He, in fact did, commit crimes from 1982 until 1985. Richard Ramirez was a gruesome man, even his wife figured that

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