Richard Pells American Culture Goes Global, Or Does It?

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The article “American Culture Goes Global, or Does It?” by Richard Pells main focus is proving whether American Culture is globalizing or if people are viewing modernization wrongly. He provides facts that show why each could be a possibility and why people would think these things. Pells begins by describing the anti-Americanism that is occurring throughout the world. He states that “dislike for the United States stems from its “cultural imperialism” (Pells 185). The spread of American culture is having many different types affect on other areas. “American mass culture inspires resentment and sometimes-violent reactions, not just in the Middle East but all over the world” (Pells 186). Many of these violent outbursts are being done to prove points that they do not want American culture there or that it is overstepping boundaries. The spread of American culture is causing “the disappearance of national languages and traditions, and the obliteration of the unique identities of countries under the weight of American habits and states of mind” (Pells 186). This is known as globalization throughout the world and is known as the main enemy to fall cultures and traditions. …show more content…

Many places only see the bad in what America does and misses everything they do to help and grow them. Such as the U.S. allows a large population of foreigners to come to school here. These places also assume that it is American culture that is spreading when it is actually that “Americans have specialized in selling the dreams, fears, and folklore for other people back to them” (Pells 187). But where did these acts of borrowing others ideas

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