Rhonda Byrne's The Secret: The Law Of Attraction And Success

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The Law of Attraction and Success Law of attraction. A lot of people have heard about law of attraction before and with Rhonda Byrne’s “The Secret”, the concept has gained more and more popularity over the past years. In short, the law of attraction says that your attract what you focus on, so if you focus on good health, you’ll be strong and healthy, while if you focus on love you’ll invite love into your life, and so on and so forth. Still, with all this knowledge available about the law of attraction, not everybody seems to know how to truly make use of it. Of course, some will say that it doesn’t work or it’s just an invention, but still, there are lot of people that claim they have built great careers, wealth or any kind of abundance …show more content…

Ask the Universe for What You Want First and foremost, most people believe the law of attraction works like this: you ask for what you want and the universe delivers. Just like a prayer that you send into the universe. However, there is a big difference between praying for something and using the law of attraction to get it. And the main difference is that when praying the message you convey into the universe it lack. Exactly! Is admitting to the entire universe you don’t have it. And the more you focus on lacking something, the more separate you will be from it. And this isn’t what you want. So what you need to do when you send rockets of desire into the universe is to feel as if or act as if you already have it! YES! It’s like that expression you often hear: “Fake it till you make it”. How so? Because you are the creator of your world and of all the circumstances and one thing you need to learn: your state of being creates these circumstances. Your state of being is determined by your focus, or in other words your perspective. In conclusion, the first step into allowing the law of attraction to work for you is to shift your focus from wanting something you do not already have to already having it, already enjoying

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