Rhetorical Analysis Of Will Smith's Speech

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The introduction of the speech began about fear and his personal experiences of skydiving and set the tone of the speech was going to be inspirational. There were a total for four main focus topics. The first topic was about how fear can not control our lives. The second focus was about how life should be enjoyed and how Will himself loves to make people laugh. He then proceeded to quote confusion, “He how says he can, and he who says he can’t are both usually right” and how he wants people to keep that idea close to there heart and not forget that we have the power to decide our lives. And that we can’t and should never let anyone tell us that we aren’t good enough. The third topic was to decide, to make a choice, figure out who you wanna …show more content…

It caused me to think so much. Will Smith began his speech by stating that “fear is everything” he suggested that fear is something people should deal and work with everyday to conquer. He talked about his own personal fears and his own personal experience about when he went skydiving in Dubai and how lesson was why was he scared the night before yet he enjoyed it. Being scared only ruins a day and when you're terrified that's when we should be enjoying life. He believes that God puts enjoyment in life once we get over our fears. It was interesting this speech because it felt as if there was multiple speeches and focuses within this 30 minute speech. He covered so many helpful life tips throughout this speech. This speech caused me to realize we as people make things much more complex than we need it to be. We have the power and when it gets hard in life we have to keep pushing through to get what we want in our lives. What makes certain people different and stand out is the ones who can’t be outworked the people who don’t give up and I have decided that the person I want to be is a person who doesn’t give up when times get hard. Like Will Smith I agree as humans we should not live in fear, we should enjoy everyday and when something is not right we have the power to change

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