Rhetorical Analysis Of Obama's Speech

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President Barack Obama has been a well-known political figure for just over 8 years; he has served two terms as the President of the United States. There has been controversy surrounding the first African American president, after his first term Obama failed to prove to America that he would fix all the things he promised to fix upon election. With his second term he has set in place his views and goals for the country. Obama’s views have been trying to benefit the overall population of American, from the poor all the way to the rich with a few subclasses in-between. During the Inauguration of his second term, won against Mitt Romney. His opponent stood for many things that were conflicting to Obamas platform, while Obama stood for rehabilitating the poor after the recession, Romney wanted to focus on tax breaks for the rich. Throughout the speech given by President Barack Obama, he outlines necessary changes in the system to benefit the people and the need for people to come together as one to have an effective country.
Every four years we vote for another president, they can either …show more content…

In America there is a separation between church and state, however Obama does not follow that separate well in his Inaugural Address especially since he makes multiple references to God. In the opening of Obamas speech he says, “Freedom is a gift from God” this initial statement is where Obama establishes his connection between his belief and God. However, America has tried to keep a separation between God and the government. In the Anecdotes Obama uses to express his main focus of his second term of presidency he uses God as an example. For instance, “she is an American; she is free, and she is equal, not just in the eyes of God but also in our own” not only is he expressing that she deserved equality, makes a clear point that she is equal under the eyes of god

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