Rhetorical Analysis Of Michelle Obama's Commencement Speech

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Once while you run by speeches that are very powerful and motivational in this instance, Michelle Obama’s commencement speech at Bowie State University in 2013. It can be inferred that Obama really cares about pushing and helping the next generation to preserve, by pursuing a higher level of education. Not only in her speech does she exude this excess of exuberance for higher knowledge, but it is also seen throughout her valiant efforts throughout one of her programs “Reach Higher Initiative”, which helps revitalize or push young adults and adolescent to continue their education after high school. By starting this program, helps Obama because it shows that she is trying to place kids and put them in the spots of the graduates, which shows the graduate that she is very proponent of higher education. Throughout Obama’s speech she pushes education by using a plethora of rhetorical devices as well. Obama’s speech was powerful due to her being so relatable in a since to the audience by the use of colloquialism, on the other hand the credibility she was …show more content…

At the beginning of Obama’s speech, she was able to gain the immediate respect of the audience by optimizing the rhetorical device known as colloquialism. Obama opens up her speech, repeating the phrase “Oh my goodness”, not only does it express the enthusiasm it also relates to the everyday language of the college audience she is talking to. However, according to they say I say Obama states “Oh, My goodness”(pg. 285), which allows the audience to see that, she does not take herself too serious, even though she could of opened her speech with a much more complex opener. This strategy helped make Obama speech successful, by relating common phrases to a powerful message. By making the audience feel comfortable, Obama was able to dive into the next part her speech, which touches and help further establish her

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