Rhetorical Analysis Of Eve's Apology In Defense Of Women

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Damaris Gutierrez Eng 4W: D. Voronca 10/30/2014 Prompt: #6 Lanyer’s Arguments For the Defense of Women Aemilia Lanyer, in “Eve’s Apology in Defense of Women” written in 1611, reinterpreted traditional biblical scriptures that held the idea that women were to blame for the loss of paradise and the overall decline of humanity, an idea that was very prevalent in 17th century England. Today, however, Lanyer’s evidence in favor of the equality of women is often times thought to be weak, and many go as far as to imply that Eve’s “defense of women” advocates more for women’s sub ordinance than of women’s equality. However, only by analyzing rhetorical appeals, rhetoric, and elements of form can one truly appreciate Lanyer’s radical ideas which paved the way for feminist advocates in later years. First and foremost, the speaker, Pontius Pilate’s wife, completely embraces the biblical teachings which state that Adam was in fact superior to Eve. It is common knowledge that God first made Adam, and then from Adam’s rib, created Eve; thus, making Eve Adam’s subordinate. Therefore, Pilate’s wife appeals to logic when she points out that Adam was “lord and king of all the earth”, he was …show more content…

She seems to make every claim, and yet none at all. It is not until the last two stanzas in which Pilate’s wife suggests that if he does condemn Jesus to die, then why not “let [women] have [their] liberty again” (81). She goes as far as to suggest that there should be no sovereign then, no superior, since she establishes that this sin, the killing of Christ, is greater than any other sin committed by women and men, then are not women and men now equal? One the letter is finished, the man who read it counsels Pilate to heed her word because she speaks for everyone. Although difficult to decipher, Aemilia Lanyer, points out that men and women are equals, both imperfect

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