Review of the Novel "High Fidelity" and its Themes of Finding True Love

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High Fidelity tells the story of a young man in his thirties who is struggling to find real love. Though the central character, Rob Gordon has an issue with commitment. All of Rob's past girlfriends have a common element. All of his past girlfriends pursued the relationship. This has led to Rob's issue with commitment. He likes his girlfriends, maybe even loves them. But, they all chose him to be their boyfriend while he only conceded to choosing them to be his girlfriend.

Rob uses his past relationships to measure his new relationships. His first relationship with Alison Ashworth proves to be the beginning of a never-ending cycle. Rob never places much effort into his relationships because of his initial heartbreak where he was left for another young man. Hence, when Rob is confronted with his failing relationships, he has to compare himself to the man his girlfriend left him for.

An example of Rob's repeating confrontation with feeling in adequate is on page 111. Rob asks Laura his current ex-girlfriend, "Is sex with him better?" Meaning is sex with Ian AKA Ray, Rob's past upstairs neighbor better than sex with himself, Rob. Laura denies ever sleeping with Ray which then comforts Rob whom then goes out and starts a sexual relationship with Marie, a young musician. Rob at this point feels relief.

Rob does not outwardly say he cannot commit but his actions speak differently. Rob's relationships end because he loses interest quickly in the relationships and does not consider himself a worthy boyfriend of many of his girlfriend's, because he is either too average a person, or because his job is not adequate.

Rob is not happy with his failing music store business either. His employees Barry, and Dick are much like him. No wife, no girlfriend, and no life. All three of these male characters depend upon one another for comfort and entertainment. There is safety in numbers and familiarity, which all three of these characters find within each other.

The turning point in the novel is when Rob realizes he is the true reason his relationships never work since he is always looking for something better, as in another woman while he is in a committed relationship with a woman.

Once Rob realizes he is hindering himself he begins falling in love with every woman that practically talks to him, but in the end chooses one women above the rest and proposes marriage to her.

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