Review of Funky Business by Jonas Ridderstråle

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1. Introduction: On the basis of this project a critical review of the third chapter “Funky Village” of the book “Funky Business” by Jonas Ridderstråle and Kjell Nordström will be made. In addition to that the main arguments of the choosen chapter will be pointed out. After that the research question will be stated out and answered by taking the arguments of the authors into consideration. After reading the book I formulated my own research question which reflects my personal interest on the choosen topic. Finally this project ends with a personal comment on the third chapter as well as on the whole book. The book ”Funky Business” by Kjell A. Nordström and Jonas Ridderstrale deals with the upcoming changes which affect mostly every part of our world. Reasons for these changes are for example the higher level of technology. Individuals and organizations are affected and therefore the authors see this book as a self-help book, becuase it illustrates the present situation and gives many advices how to behave in these ”funky” times. Step by step the auhtors analyse every sector which is affected and give many words of advice to the reader so that he/she finds his/her way through life. Kjell A. Nordström is based at the Institute of International Business at the Stockholm School of Economics. He is also on the board of directors of a number of international companies. Jonas Ridderstrale is based at the Centre for Advanced Studies in Leadership at the Stockholm School of Economics. He also works as an advisor, lecturer and consultant to a number of international companies. 2. Critical review and main arguments of chapter three: Ridderstrale and Nordström`s “funky village” chapter three deals with several developments of our society in recent years and it also demonstrates the certain characteristics of our today’s society. Ridderstrale and Nordström begin with the “surplus society” which is characterized by excess and abundance and where oversupply and nearly perfect markets are standard. The phenomenon of this society will be covered below in much greater detail by looking at the research question of the paper and the corresponding answer of the authors. This is followed with the “real-time society”. Nowadays time plays a much more important role and we live in a generation of speed. Nobody wants to wait for their products and therefore companies want to under quote when it comes to time. “In the real-time economy prices are set second by second, companies compete on how fast they can be to develop, make and launch products.

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