Resilience In Emergency Management

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1). Resilience refers to the ability to prepare, plan, absorb, recover and more successfully adapt to adverse events. It is determined by the degree to which individuals, communities and organization can organize themselves to learn from the past disasters and reduce their risks to future ones Resilience is increased by emergency management planning that is based on risks, the relationship has been identified from the four phases of emergency management. Mitigation involves actions that are undertaken in advance to avoid risks such as loss of life and property, in this case the community is more resilient to an immediate emergency issue (World Resilience Emergency Management,2017). Preparedness involves training, education and sharing of information …show more content…

Why achieving or improving resilience is vital and important. How you would justify the expense in terms of money, effort and other resources to achieve or improve resilience. Potential consequences for failure to support or invest in resilience, and the issue of risk tolerance for your jurisdiction or organization. Resilience is the empowerment of being aware of your situation, your risks, vulnerabilities, how to deal with current capabilities, and being able to make informed tactical and strategic decisions (The Six Steps Resilience Emergency Management,2017). An organization that realizes the benefits of resilience will have a high likelihood of maintaining a successful and thriving enterprise. An organization that adjusts under challenging conditions such as competitive advantage is likely to improve resilience. In such a case, the company is able to prepare for any emergency event that may involve natural calamities, manmade, environmental hazards or …show more content…

Often technology provides some of the most cost effective and fastest communication through various networks like the internet such that one can easily interact without any difficulties. In today’s world, information technology is considered as an entity, this is because more and more systems have become interdependent to the internet, so without it these systems will fail to continue with their normal operations (Riedman,2017) . Information technology is a sector that needs to be properly secured from various security threats such as cyber-attacks, espionage, spyware, physical theft cases or malicious attacks from viruses such issues may occur and lead to loss of data, physical damage of hardware or unauthorized access to private and confidential documents. I would recommend installation of backups for the systems to avoid disruptions, duplicates should also be made and stored in a quite different system from the original document. The owners should also ensure the systems are secured to avoid unauthorized access and to prevent environmental

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