Research Paper Veganism

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Jennifer Cruz
Professor Edelson
ENC 1101, E Period
20 May 2016 Veganism If an American living in our modern world was asked the following question, “How can one live a healthier life?”, the individual would probably respond with one of the following responses: “With a strict diet consisting of smaller portions, or restricting certain types of food and number of calories, along with exercising excessively every day.” Or one may even mention that the food pyramid should be followed, as they were taught from an early age, that it is a nutritional guideline on how human beings should be eating in order to live a healthy life, along with maintaining an ideal weight. The food …show more content…

What are the real reasons behind the problems the modern world sees today, such as pollution, deforestation, and climate change? What is the explanation to society consisting of not only adults, but now children facing health risks, such as obesity? While experts provide the public with medical explanations, what if the answer to all these questions, had a lot to do with animal agriculture? The solution to all these problems could be simply adapting to a plant-based diet, meaning to become vegans/vegetarians. What exactly is veganism? According to The Vegan Society, their definition is the following: “Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose” ("The Vegan Society" ["Definition of Veganism"]). The rest of the public, recognize them as a group of people that restrict themselves from consuming animal foods, along with dairy products, such as milk, eggs, and many more products. Vegans promote a lifestyle that is dedicated to the humane treatment towards animals, …show more content…

Society receives so many answers to this question, but is it often that the reason has to do with animal agriculture? One may ask what animal agriculture has anything to do with environmental issues, but based off research and facts, it plays a major role. In order for meat to be able to reach the market, there is a whole process for this to be achieved. Land and water are used to grow crops. The crops feed all the animals, massive amounts of land and water are used to bulk them up, for the benefit of the consumers. With this, carbon dioxide, methane gas, and feces are released to the air and waterways. Animal agriculture water consumption averages to about thirty-four to seventy-six trillion gallons every year. “Twenty-five hundred gallons of water are need to produce one pound of beef. Every minute, seven million pounds of excrements are produced by animals raised for food in the U.S.” (A.U.M. Films and Media, "The Facts." Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret). Even with the whole population following the suggestions of analysts, such as taking shorter showers, conserving the water by turning it off when not used, or reusing and recycling items, while all these actions would help the planet, it still would not make a great impact to the effects of animal agriculture. “According to the US Environmental Protection

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