Research Paper On Premature Birth

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Premature birth is when an infant is born 37 weeks before appointed due date. Premature babies are not completely developed and not ready for the outside world. Cases of premature birth can either be slight and not noticeable or completely severe. My brother was born two months premature and had to stay in the hospital for a month attached to machines and IVs. My mother was not able to take her first child home and have a complete certainty that her newborn baby will even be alive. I chose this topic because I am very fortunate for having a strong and healthy eighteen year old brother, even though he was premature. I have gained a strong curiosity towards the effect of prematurity; how some are greatly affected and why some women go into labor premature. I want this research to let me know that I’m not taking my brother for granted. Due to my brother being premature, he is quite shorter compared to most people. My brother and I also have the same birthday. This allows us to pretend we are twins. His effect of being premature is not noticeable because he did not obtain a severe condition. With this research paper, I hope to gain knowledge and acknowledgment towards the people affected due to premature birth. In America, 1 out of 8 children are born premature. The earlier a child is born from their suggested due date, the poor severe the condition the child can receive. With health conditions of the mother, that may be a main reason why a child may become premature. Women with uterine, cervical abnormalities, or having twins, triplets, etc. may cause a risk of preterm labor. A women’s health is a main factor of how their child may come out. Smoking, drinking, use of illegal drugs may cause women to have preterm labor as well. To... ... middle of paper ... ...turity, I learned the complications that a preemie must encounter. With this research, I have become thankful for my brother to not have any severe problems. Unfortunately, I discovered he does have some long-term conditions due to his prematurity. He has breathing difficulties and obtains a weak immune system compared to the average person. Knowing these long-term conditions he has, makes me worried and sometimes scared for him. I learned to love my brother even more, not out of pity, but because I gained a realization of the difficulties he had to go through. Also, my mother is a strong woman. She displayed courage and support through her experience of having a premature baby. She never gave up or had any doubt for my brother. This research paper has really opened my eyes to become grateful for the health of my brother and also the premature infants born each day.

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