Research Paper On London Pea Soupers

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In the past, London already is a prosperity city in United Kingdom. Then, they use animal-powered, such as horses, ox to transport commodity or people, in that time almost everyone also use carriage. Furthermore, the fashion in the past, the women wear gowns or pannier, underwear, shoes buckles and make extreme hairstyles and wigs. The men wear waistcoats, shirt, breeches, shoes, and long stockings, wigs, and cocked hats. The place of origin of this fashion is North America and French. In 1962, London suffered the worst fogs in the world. Called "London Pea Soupers" because the color in the air like pea soup, at worst it was not possible to see as far as your hand on your outstretched arm. After second world war, London start of the immense flow of immigrants into London and change the face of the landscape, local culture for all the time. …show more content…

The people of London love bikes so much because it is safety and convenient. There are no plans and control the population of London. In fact the numbers of people living in London is on the increase especially among the better off as the city-based village and other big plans start to work. Nowadays, one of attraction of London is shopping. For instance of top shop, Oxford Street (Marks and Spencer), Regents Street (Hamleys). Theatre in London is the best in the world for live plays as the English collection repertory companies are known to give great training for this

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