Research Paper On How To Paint Your Nails

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Did I use reference materials to avoid redundant or repetitive language? How to paint your nails. Many girls who use nail polish don't know that it isn't very good to keep on for very long and that the extra things you find for your nails at the drug store might not be as useless as you think. Young girls sometimes find it easy not to buy a protective coat of nail polish or spend a few extra dollars on the better quality nail polish. They usually don't have a lot of money and can't find a reason to spend more than they have to. So, here is a how to on caring for your nails and a few reasons to get the extra nail supplies if you decide to paint your nails. Step 1: Before you paint your nails you should always clean, clip and buff them. Start by washing your hands. Once they are clean use a nail clipper to trim them. Open the nail clippers so that when you hold the handles together the sharp clippers close thigh. Place them around your finger nail straight on and clip off the nail to the need length. Be sure to make a clean cut. After slipping your nails, smooth them out with a nail file making the edges of your nails slightly rounded. Inline image Step 2: …show more content…

Your cuticles are part of the nail and help the nail to stay in place. They are located at the top of your finger nail. To care for your cuticles you can use either a hot bowl of water or a cuticle salve and a cuticle pusher. I like you use the " Burt's Bees Cuticle Cream" for my nails but, other salves will work just fine. Loosen up your cuticles by massaging you cuticles with the salve or soaking your fingers in warm water for 10-15 minutes. If you would like to do both you can use the salve after wards. Once your cuticles are soft you can use the cuticle pusher to push them closer to the base of your

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