Nail Bed Injuries

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The nail bed is the soft tissue under a fingernail or toenail that is the origin for new nail growth. Various types of injuries can occur at the nail bed. These injuries may involve bruising or bleeding under the nail, cuts (lacerations) in the nail or nail bed, or loss of a part of the nail or the whole nail (avulsion). In some cases, a nail bed injury accompanies another injury, such as a break (fracture) of the bone at the tip of the finger or toe. Nail bed injuries are common in people who have jobs that require performing manual tasks with their hands, such as carpenters and landscapers.
The nail bed includes the growth center of the nail. If this growth center is damaged, the injured nail may not grow back normally if at all. The regrown …show more content…

For example, these injuries may occur when a fingertip gets caught in a door, hit by a hammer, or damaged in accidents involving electrical tools or power machinery.

Symptoms vary depending on the nature of the injury. Symptoms may include:
Pain in the injured area.
Collection of blood under the nail (hematoma).
Deformed or split nail.
Loose nail (not stuck to the nail bed).
Loss of all or part of the nail.

Your caregiver will take a medical history and examine the injured area. You will be asked to describe how the injury occurred. X-rays may be done to see if you have a fracture. Your caregiver might also check for conditions that may affect healing, such as diabetes, nerve problems, or poor circulation.

Treatment depends on the type of injury.
The injury may not require any special treatment other than keeping the area clean and free of infection.
Your caregiver may drain the collection of blood from under the nail. This can be done by making a small hole in the …show more content…

This might be necessary to stitch (suture) any laceration in the nail bed. Before doing this, the caregiver will likely give you medication to numb the nail area (local anesthetic). In some cases, the caregiver may choose to numb the entire finger or toe (digital nerve block). Depending on the location and size of the nail bed injury, an avulsed nail is sometimes stitched back in place to provide temporary protection to the nail bed until the new nail grows in.
Your caregiver may apply bandages (dressings) or splints to the area.
You might be prescribed antibiotic medication to help prevent infection.
For certain injuries, your caregiver may direct you to see a hand or foot specialist.
You may need a tetanus shot if:
You cannot remember when you had your last tetanus shot.
You have never had a tetanus shot.
The injury broke your skin.
If you get a tetanus shot, your arm may swell, get red, and feel warm to the touch. This is common and not a problem. If you need a tetanus shot and you choose not to have one, there is a rare chance of getting tetanus. Sickness from tetanus can be serious.

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