Research Paper On Hades

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The villain that I have chosen was Hades. Hades was ruler and ancient Greek god of the underworld. The underworld in Greek mythology is a world where the souls of the dead finally go rest. Like many other Ancient civilizations the Greeks believed in the idea of afterlife for the Greeks it was the underworld . The Greeks also believed that at the exacted moment of death is when your soul is leaves from your body. Then it takes shape of the former person, and from there your soul is transported to the Underworld.
The Underworld was described by the Greeks as being not outer bounds of the ocean or beneath the depths or ends of the earth. It is depicted as the complete Opposite to the brightness of the cloud palace on top of Mount Olympus. The …show more content…

Cerberus was often called the "hound of Hades", was the monstrous multi headed guard dog the guards the gates of the Underworld so none of the dead can get of the underworld . Cerberus was the offspring of the two monsters Echidna and Typhon Cerberus was normal described as have 3 heads and serpent for a tail and snakes coming out of different parts Cerberus body. The rivers and diamond gate formed the entrance to the kingdom of the underworld and Deep within that kingdom was the Hades palace.
Hades was the oldest out of his siblings Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Zeus, and Poseidon they were sons and daughters of Cronus was also known as Kronos he was the son of Uranus and the god of personifying the sky Rhea his wife was the Titaness daughter of the earth goddess Gaia.
Zeus rebelled against his farther Cronus and the other Titans. It was the war. The war was called the war of the titans the war lasted 10 years Zeus was allied with his brothers and sisters Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon . Zeus and his brothers and sisters defeat Cronus and the other titans and banish them to Tartarus basically it was a dungeon in the underworld and claimed rulership over the cosmos. Hades got given rulership over the underworld, Zeus was given ownership of the sky and Poseidon the

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