Research Paper On Drumline

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Drumline was a very interesting movie. It follows the story of Devon, who has a talent for drumming. Right after graduating, he enrolls into a school that is famous for its marching band. There, both his character and musical talent are tested. For Devon, drumming is much more than just a hobby, and Drumline taught me exactly how much more music can be. Drumline presents music in a professional way. The students were put into strict, military-like training in order to win the BET Big Southern Classic Competition. The movie also expresses the fact that music can be a career choice. The characters, who are mostly music teachers and students, are shown to be very serious about music and invest a lot in their musical talent, suggesting that they have chosen it as their career path. The movie shows that those who don’t put all their effort into music will fail in it, just like when Devon was kicked from the marching band because he was lazy to learn to read sheet music. Of course, putting that much effort into something must mean that it is your passion. …show more content…

Almost all the characters in Drumline have devoted their lives entirely to music. If not for passion, the music students would not have endured their rigorous training and made the marching band that won the competition. If Devon didn’t have his passion for drumming, he would have quit when he realised that his new school did not match his lifestyle. In spite of all the hardships Devon went through, his passion for drumming helped him persevere, that in the end of the movie, he was put back into the marching band. But it wasn’t only passion that gave Devon a good musical future, but also his effort and hard

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