Roger Ebert Essays

  • Roger Ebert: Chicago Sun-Times By Siskel

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    Roger Ebert is a famous Chicago Film-Critic who was born on June 18, 1942 and passed away on April 4, 2013. He also worked as a journalist, and a screenwriter. He worked for the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 up until he passed away. He was very popular in the movie business and won many awards and had very high regards from his coworkers and peers. Some even consider him the most famous movie critic in the world. He was married to his wife Chaz Ebert for 21 years. Although he did get married his very

  • The Butterfly Effect, and A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury

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    Many science fiction shows, films, and novels today have been influenced by science fiction novels from the past. A few examples are Frequency,The Butterfly Effect, and A Sound of Thunder relating to A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury. These films all express Bradbury’s idea of the butterfly effect and that time traveling can change the past, therefore changing the future. Although they share the same idea, they each have different outcomes. A Sound of Thunder was written in 1952 by Ray Bradbury

  • Charlie's Themes: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

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    wish to be treated, for they make the decisions in their lives, and they decide what they think they need. Works Cited Chbosky, Stephen. The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Ney York: MTV Books, 1999. eBook. Ebert, Roger. "The Perks of Being a Wallflower Movie Review." Roger Ebert Digital LLC, 26 Sep 2012. Web. 11 Nov 2013.

  • How Valuable Is Life?

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    because everyone has been there, but people need to appreciate the attempts of others trying to help. Work Cited Jobs, Steve. "'You've Got to Find What You Love,' Jobs Says." Commencement Address. Stanford. 14 June 2005. Address. Jones, Chris. "Roger Ebert: The Essential Man." Esquirecom Article. 16 Feb. 2010. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. "LIFE Foundation | Human Life Value Calculator." LIFE Foundation. LIFE, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. Ripley, Amanda. "What Is a Life Worth." Time 11 Feb. 2002. Print.

  • Roger Ebert's 'Love, Rosie' Movie Review

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    Analyses on Roger Ebert’s ‘Love, Rosie’ movie review From the opening paragraph it is clear that Roger Ebert is not a fan of the film - Stating that the movie not existing at all would not be a bad thing. This is effective as it lets the reader gain a sense of what direction this review is going in, letting them make a pre-judgment of the review and the film before going ahead and reading the main parts. Moving on more into the review itself Roger Ebert states the tragedy of the love that continually

  • Life Worth Amanda Ripley Analysis

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    What is a human life worth? Most people make a personal choice to value life differently, rather than just thinking about it on an economical mindset. When it comes to death, there is nothing you can do. After a tragedy, depending on if you have life insurance or not, the government will compensate for your loss to aid your family financially, not emotionally. When determining life value, the government must take into account the many factors that could affect how much a life is worth. The way we

  • The Phantom of the Opera

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    there is another man” (Ebert). Ebert effectively points out the highs and lows of Schumacher’s The Phantom of the Opera. Though the film is visually stunning, much is left to be said for the storyline, acting, and length. Few redeeming qualities make Schumacher’s version of The Phantom of the Opera worth watching. By glorifying the Phantom, Schumacher detracts from the demon that he was and the torment that he inflicted on those around him. Works Cited Ebert, Roger. “Andrew Lloyd Webber’s

  • Value of Life

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    yourself if you don’t believe yourself then you will never get anywhere. Take life seriously, don’t mess around because one day it will come back on you and it will tear you apart. This is well illustrated by the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Roger Ebert, by Chris Jones, The Lady with the Dog, by Anton Chekhov, What Is the Value of a Human Life? By Kenneth Feinberg, and lastly but not least, you’ve got to find what you love; Jobs says, by Steve Jobs. In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, in most of

  • The Bucket List Annotated Bibliography

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    Bibliography of The Bucket List The Bucket List. Dir. Rob Reiner. Perf. Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman, and Sean Hayes. Warner Bros, 2008. Film. Ebert, Roger. "The Bucket List Movie Review & Film Summary (2008) | Roger Ebert". Rogerebert.Com, 2008, From the very beginning of his review, Roger Ebert expresses his criticism toward the movie “The Bucket List.” The same we can see from his rating given to this film (one star of five possible).

  • Decision Making Authority in Peter Brook's Lord of the Flies

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    Decision Making Authority in Peter Brook's Lord of the Flies Director Peter Brook based Lord of the Flies on the novel by William Golding. The film, released in 1963, is the tale of a group of upscale British schoolchildren who are being flown out of London to the supposed safety of the South Pacific before war erupts. Their airplane crashes and the lads are left to fend for themselves on a remote island. The storyline takes the boys from innocence to savagery. The film did not receive rave reviews

  • You’ve Seen One, You’ve Seen Them All: "The Last Song" by Nicholas Sparks

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    clearly illustrated by three reviews: “Miley Meets Cute over a spilled milkshake,” by Robert Ebert; “A Miley to Remember,” by Armond White in New York Press; and “The Last Song Movie Review,” by Rebecca Murray. While Ebert and White applaud the film, Murray criticized the movie with comments focusing on the acting (all three critics), the plot (White & Murray), and the movie being unbelievable and silly (Ebert & Murray). First, in Robert Ebert’s movie review, he admires the acting, but describes the

  • Darren Aronofsky's Pi and Other Movies

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    amount of people. Darren Aronofsky somehow solves the riddle. Works Cited "The ASC -- American Cinematographer: Danse Macabre." The ASC -- American Cinematographer: Danse Macabre. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. Ebert, Roger. "Requiem for a Dream Movie Review (2000) | Roger Ebert." All Content. Ebert Digital LLC, n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2014. Mitchell, Elvis. "Requiem for a Dream." The New York Times Film Reviews, 1999-2000. New York: Routledge, 2002. 414-15. Print. Venice, Richard Corliss /. ": Natalie Portman's

  • finding neverland movie review

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    Analysis of Roger Ebert's “Finding Neverland” Film Review “Finding Neverland” is a recently released motion picture starring acclaimed actors Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet, and directed by Marc Forster ("Monsters Ball”) Personally, I loved the movie and It was hard to find a critic that gave the movie a negative review, so I stopped trying to find someone to argue with and I came across the king of all critics, Roger Ebert. I usually don't agree with his reviews, so I figured we would clash on this

  • Hollywood - Lies and Misrepresentations

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    Hollywood - Lies and Misrepresentations In Hollywood, many filmmakers portray a distorted view of the Internet. Filmmakers do this by giving out misinformation on topics (i.e. Sharks-Jaws, Internet-The Net) that the public knows little about. When people know little about a specific topic, they begin to fear that issue. People fear the movie because they shut down their brain and tune into their senses, completely letting go of common knowledge. The public does not like to think about the movie

  • Thought Process on Life

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    Many people have different perceptions on the value of life. What could make the purpose of life worth living? Or perhaps it is the unsureness of the life after death that may make one cling to their being. At the moment of birth superstitiously, we are given purpose or destiny that we were born to live. Everyone as a young child grows up dreaming of their true purpose in society. As teenagers we get a sense of reality towards the near future of our ideal role to be. No one can really choose our

  • Menace II Society: Catching Up With You

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    ceaselessly gyrate in an inverse position in the road. Appalled, O-Dog ganders around the yard to cross-examine the dysfunctional body of Sharif and that of his best friend Caine, to ... ... middle of paper ... .... Works Cited Ebert, Roger. "Menace II Society." Roger Ebert. N.p., 26 May 1993. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. . Menace II Society. Dir. Allen and Albert Hughes. Per. Tyrin Turner, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Larenz Tate, etc. 1993. New Line Home Entertainment, 2004. DVD. Rosenbaum, Jonathan. "Menace II Society

  • Film Analysis: Clockers Directed by Spike Lee

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    criminal. Sal then breaks ... ... middle of paper ... ...ale making the prime choice of his career.” Work Cited: Ebert, R. (2001, May 27). Do the Right Thing Movie Review (1989) | Roger Ebert. Retrieved April 28, 2014, from Ebert, R. (1992, November 18). Malcolm X Movie Review & Film Summary (1992) | Roger Ebert. Retrieved April 28, 2014, from Maslin, J. (1995, September 13).

  • The Tempest: 3 Differences Between the Play and the Movie

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    movie. By changing such important details is changing the play entirely. “The Tempest” written by William Shakespeare, is no longer a tragicomedy containing love, revenge, hatred, retribution and forgiveness, we know and love. Bibliography • Roger, Ebert. N.d. 0. n.p. • Johnson, W. Stacy. "The Genesis of Ariel." Shakespeare Quarterly. (July 1951) 2.3 pgs. 205-210 • Sharkey, Betsy. n.d., n.pag. • Ms. Barga. 2013.0 • Shakespeare

  • The Commercialization of Sex

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    anyone who cares about the role a government can play in society and the devastating effects of a totalitarian government. Works Cited Attanasio, Paul. “1984: Artful but Empty.” Hand Out. Suffolk University. Boston, MA. 1985. Print. Ebert, Roger. “1984.” Hand Out. Suffolk University. Boston, MA. February 1, 1985. Print. Elliot, David. “Whether ‘1984’ is Past or Future, it is depressing.” Hand Out. Suffolk University. Boston, MA. 1985. Print. Graff, Gerald, and Cathy Birkenstein. They Say

  • Gender-Swapping in The Tempest: Female Empowerment

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    create worlds with his writing, there is no such finality in Taymor’s film (5.1.2071). This is because, in making Prospero into Prospera, the connection between character and author is blurred. Prospera is a less obvious embodiment of Shakespeare, and Ebert states “Taymor, in Prospera, rages against the dying of light.” It seems the film rages on forward against retirement. Even more, Taymor’s ending is filled with sound, fury, and excitement – a celebration of sorts. Through her celebration of female