Research: Do Kids Spend Too Much Time On Screens

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Do kids spend too much time on their screens? Everywhere you look you see kids on their devices. When they are at school and when they get home. Even at night kids are texting friends. This is so common for the generation of today's kids. Do you think kids spend too much time on the screen? I think it is up to the parents to decide but, my opinion is yes, kids spend too much time on the screen. When it comes to kids and technology, parents know that letting their children stare at screens. They stare at them for prolonged periods of the day and it's not good. When kids refuse to give up the screens causing them to have tantrums. If kids spend their day on the screens then it could lead to child obesity and over the past 20 years, child obesity has increased in America because kids are on the screens and not getting physical activity in them. Screen time can be caused kids to have overall attention deficit, boredom, and apathy. …show more content…

The research studies show that these devices affect the frontal cortex, the part of the brain that controls the execution and impulses in the same way as cocaine and sleeps texting. Furthermore, the screens increase dopamine levels, which is why children become suddenly become happy when handed a device and immediately upset when the device is taken. Just as sleep texting kids "Get an urge" to respond to a text in the night “(Brian)”.The texting at night causes the kids to wake up several times in the night. Without getting the sleep they can have trouble in school. They can become depressed and can be grumpy like it was a drug causing them to be this

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