Republican Party Timeline

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Part #1- “ Republican Party.” The Republican Party was founded in March 20, 1854 in Ripon, Wisconsin. In 1834 the Whig Party fought to resist cruelty of president Andrew Jackson. With the successful introduction of Kansas-Nebraska Bill of 1854, Antislavery Whig Party began to meet in the MidWest to discuss a new party. The Republican gained support in the North, and in 1856 there first presidential candidate John C Fermont won 11 out of 16 votes in Northern States. In 1860 President Abraham Lincoln Was elected President over a divided Democratic party. In 1861 the Civil War began against the confederates and the Union. Civil War stated that the Republican party Was Victorious in the North, After the war Republicans Took over Congress and forced …show more content…

founded in 1828. The Democratic and Republican party both support people’s rights. The Democratic Party set financial and legislative support for families. The Democratic party feared monarchy for United States. The Democrats feared the federalist who were rich and had plenty of power and wanted a stronger Government. The Democratic party struggled to prevent the United States from becoming a monarchy. Thomas Jefferson was elected President in 1801 bringing the Democratic party to power. The democratic party is popular in comparison with the whig party. In 1848 the Democratic national committee was created in the electors convention. In 1850 Democratic members of congress passed the compromise of 1850 which set Bills that prevented Civil War over Slavery. Part #2 History of The President's Background (Democratic & Republican) Republican President- Dwight D. Eisenhower was born in Denison, Texas on October 14, 1890. In 1911 Dwight D. Eisenhower was scheduled an appointment at the United States military academy in West Point. In 1915 Eisenhower graduated from West Point and was ranked as a second lieutenant. Harriet Truman persuaded him to become president in 1952. During Dwight D. Eisenhower's first term in office he was against Joseph McCarthy's anti-communist violated people's rights. Democratic …show more content…

Eisenhower is the best president of the United states because he was a responsible president. Eisenhower ended the Korean War which would of leaded to the cause of World War 3. Eisenhower pushed for a stronger military stronger than the Soviet Union. Eisenhower joined an alliance with European Nations to United States back on track and end the Cold War. Eisenhower had no dishonor in his legacy. Dwight D. Eisenhower was tough on military spending. Eisenhower knew that large countries with massive amount of power would be dangerous. Eisenhower was respected by both Republican and Democratic Party. Eisenhower history as a military general made him concerned about keeping a balanced budget. This is why I think he is the best Republican president who fought for his

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