Harry S Truman

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Harry S Truman was the 33rd President of the United States. He was born in Lamar, Missouri, in 1884. He grew up in Independence and worked for 12 years as a farmer on his parents’ lands. In 1917, soon after the USA entered the First World War, he was enlisted in the army.

After returning from the war Harry Truman joined the Democratic Party. Since then he became an active participant of the local politics. His political career started with the election as a judge in Jackson County Court in 1922. Truman become a Senator in 1934. During the War World Two he headed Senate’s investing committee, checking the corruption and waste.

In 1944 Truman was asked to become a Vice President of Franklin Roosevelt instead Henry Wallace. However, he served in this position only for 82 days until the death of Roosevelt. In the first addressing to the Congress Truman promised that he will continue Roosevelt’s policies. However, he soon developed his own. In July he participated in Potsdam Conference and in August he authorized dropping of the two atomic bombs on the Japanese towns Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

On 12th March 1947 Truman announced to the Congress what is eventually known as Truman doctrine. In this speech Truman asked Congress for a financial aid for European countries in the sum of about 40 billion dollars in order to support for "free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures".

Truman showed a great interest in civil rights. He proposed to the Congress expanding the Social Security, employment program, a permanent Fair Employment Practices Act, and public housing and slum clearance.

Harry Truman won the presidential nomination after the Democratic National Convention of 1948. H...

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...y successful tool which helped Truman’s campaign and gave him a chance to defeat Dewey. Truman’s Vice-Presidency acceptance speech was shorter than a minute.

After a half of the century from the end of Truman’s presidency, public consider Harry Truman one of the greatest presidents. He brought a large contribution into the American history. If I lived back in 1948, I would probably vote for him because of his incredible presidential campaign and his great achievements in the foreign and domestic affairs.

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