Religion's Role In Abortion Research

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Every year in the United States alone, there are over one million abortions with four out of every ten pregnancies being unplanned. The argument of abortion seems to be split down the middle; the most likely reason for the split is based on religion. Religion plays such a key role in the argument of abortion because it highlights the importance of human life. The problem in the world today is that people do not realize the importance of human life and dignity, disregarding the life of the unborn and playing it off as if the child were in fact part of the mother, giving the mother sole choice. The solution is to demonstrate the importance of human life and educate on the prolife and often religious perspective. The difference between the prolife …show more content…

“… prochoice… encourages and justifies abortion as the preferred response based on an evaluation that a fetus with a genetic abnormality is “unworthy” of life; that it would be a “mistake” to allow such an “inferior human being” to be born” (West, Esser, and Murray 172-173). Whether someone says it or not you are killing humans when getting an abortion and prolife is against it (Munson 8). Prochoice mentalities fail to realize the importance of every human life, regardless of the actuality of it being a person. “… prolife activists have popularized claims that abortion harms rather than helps the woman” (Munson 232). “NO! I love little humans. They’re some of my favorites. So when you innocently kill little humans that make me sad and therefore I think it’s wrong to objectively hurt someone, to kill an innocent live, therefore it’s a bad practice” (Parks). The possibility of death of two people, the mother and the child, should be enough to persuade people to not get an abortion because the potential risks, both emotional and physical, could turn out to be too much to bear, or worse deadly. “I believe that there are some foundational truths that are eternal… in murdering-killing babies, abortion- is one of them” (Munson 2). “If you believe humans have values and societies should defend innocent human beings than abortion should be illegal” (Parks). Regardless of the beliefs of prochoice supporters, the facts remain true that abortion should be classified as murder, and instead of killing the government should revise its plans on foster care and orphanages. The feeling particular women who get abortions have is often unbearable for some, but it does not seem to faze others; that is what prolife activists are trying to

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