Religion: The Essentials Of Religion In The World

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What is religion? My opinion, it is the individual’s source of essential security and purpose. A belief in God or Higher Power to provide insight and conscious to humanity. Religion is the reference book to our existence and purpose on earth. In the book of Genesis, also known as, beginnings, we are told that Word was with God and the Word was God. God created man in his image male and female. God’s plan for mankind in essence was for fellowship and worship. I am a born-again Christian of the Baptist faith and The Holy Bible is my instructional guide/doctrine trusted to provide principle and guidance in life. The Word teaches me how to pray, love and forgive. How to grow in faith, worship, and treatment my neighbor. The Word provide teaching on wisdom and understanding; the ways of man
To understand the importance a sacred worship, beliefs rituals, customs, etc. we have to look at history and culture. It is impossible to engulf the history of religion in this paper, however I am purposeful to include similarities and differences in the way religion is practiced and lived. How religion and sacred rituals impact our world and culture today. To better understand the essentials of religion, I find it necessary to define religion by highlighting key rituals, practices, traditions, and beliefs of the Buddhist and Islamic faith in conjunction with my own.
Religion defined by Merriam-Webster is the belief in God or in a group of gods; an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods; an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group. Religious is defined as or related to religion; believing in a god or gods and following the rules of a religion; to complete whatever that can and should be done. Based upon the definition provided, let’s talk about the Buddhist

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