Relevance of The Declaration Today

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In 1776, the tyranny of King George III made it necessary for all thirteen colonies to unite, declare independence and to sever political ties between Great Britain. The under-represented people of America needed something strong which showed how colonists need to free of the English rule. The colonists did that by writing a “list of grievances” by stating their reasons for rebelling against Britain’s tyranny. If it wasn’t for Thomas Jefferson’s brilliant idea of creating the Declaration of Independence, who knows how America would have turned out today? However, the real importance of the Declaration of Independence lies not in the purpose for which Jefferson created it, to declare independence from Great Britain, but rather how future generations have interpreted Jefferson’s words. Ultimately, the Declaration of Independence has become a document that has been interpreted to guarantee the basic rights of everyone in America and abroad. Who would have thought that this one document could have created this much of an impact today? The Declaration of Independence still was, and still is, the most important part of America’s history because of its historical influence. The Declaration of Independence is still very relevant – it still plays a significant role in today’s society. In the beginning of the Declaration, Thomas Jefferson wrote about how when any form of government becomes “destructive”, it is the right of the people “to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government…” Jefferson wrote very passionately about how all men have rights which are “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”. Jefferson recognized that these rights are not always attainable, but when a government repeatedly ignores these rights completel... ... middle of paper ... ...n the 18th century could have this of a large impact in the world until today? What makes the Declaration especially important is that we broke away from the tyranny of Great Britain, established a government, and became powerful nation of our own. Also, it created a country where freedom and religious acceptance are the rights for all mean in the country. The Declaration put into words what the colonists felt needed to be done. Without such powerful document, the colonists would have never gotten chance to win against the powerful English monarchy. That moment when Congress signed the Declaration of Independence in July 4, 1776, it ultimately became the stepping stone for America. America was on its way to becoming a more successful nation. The influence of the Declaration of Independence still lives on today and will continue to relevant in the future generation.

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