Rehabilitation Indeterminate Corrections

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INCARCERATION When the goal is, rehabilitation dominated corrections is can be sentenced where offenders are given indeterminate sentences, meaning undefined time, with release dependent on counseling, treatment, education, and response. Incarceration time is generally defined within a specific time frame, anytime during that time frame a prisoner may be subject to parole. Determinate sentences are sentences that the sentences are ridged and for a specific period. After this time is completed and good time served is taken into consideration the prisoner is released. This type of sentencing does not demand that the prisoner take part in any type of treatment program as a requirement for release. Mandatory sentences were adopted for specific crimes such as violent crimes, drugs, and felony firearms violations. The three-strikes law has been controversial and Proposition …show more content…

Sanctions include in home monitoring, reparations to victims, community service, fines, boot camp and forfeiture of illegally gained items. PROBATION Probation is the most common sanction and requires the offender report to a parole officer. The offender is supervised in their activities, including such areas as employment, living conditions, acquaintances, drug testing and curfews to name a few. Probation is most likely associated with a return to incarceration for noncompliance. DEATH Capital punishment is the final method of incapacitation. The sanction is costly and slow to be implemented, inmates sit on death row for years and decades. The goals in criminal sanctions vary, retribution is the main goal of any sanction and added or attached sanctions are dependent upon the type of offences committed. The goal of deterrence is debatable, death is the final incapacitation and rehabilitation and reintegration into society to become as successful member of society is a primary

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