1825 To 1850 Reform Movements Essay

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Various reform movements and revolutions occurred in the time period between the years 1825 through 1850. Justice, freedom, liberty, equality, and the purist of happiness are all democratic values considered to enforce the reform movements of this time period. The democratic ideals tried to cut the social separation and discordance present in America mainly between the south and north sections. Originating from the Second Great Awaking with vast religious reinforcement democratic ideals spread through the new reform movements. Main movements that supported the democratic views included the Second Great Awaking revival, antislavery reform and more equal rights movements for women and men. The Second Great Awaking consisted of new applications of religion that deviated from rationalism, which sparked promotion of democracy and freedom. The message of salvation rather than condemnation was evident in this movement as spoken by Charles G. Finney. He sought to remove sin from reformed churches and organize sinners to unity and freedom (Doc B). This practice showed the crucial democratic point of equality as exemplified by the reformation …show more content…

Abolitionists based their decision of freeing slaves on core democratic beliefs that redeemed and reformed all humans into a rehabilitated country environment. Steps of democratic morals were seen through the reform in the American Colonization Society as they freed slaves back to Africa in order to cease white oppressive behaviors. Additionally the work of Fredrick Douglass and Lloyd Garrison lead to propaganda surfacing with slaves hoping for emancipation and freedom. The slave in the Engraving by Patrick Reason pleads, “Am I not a Woman and a Sister?” which displays the push toward sympathy and democratic views towards slavery. Along with new steps of reform the American Anti-Slavery Society aided in the gaining of equality between races and greatly advanced the democratic

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