Reflective Senior Essay

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Reflective Senior Essay The quad-year expedition through high school was an interesting one for me. I took an approach that starts off great and blissful and then takes a turn that not everyone would approve of. I started on a peak and rode the slope down pretty fast and hard. A wild and enjoyable ride but a very regrettable one also. In reality I now cannot change what’s happened throughout time so all I can do is try to be the best that I can now. As high school started my freshman year I was more than excited. My first outlook on high school was that these would be the best years of my life and everything is going to be wonderful, no matter the amount of stress life throws at me. I made my impression as a great student who is self driven and dedicated to his work, but who also enjoys life with a sense of humor. I qualified for honor roll twice throughout the year and set myself up for AP classes for my sophomore year. As sophomore year rolls around I was still very much involved in school. I was taking advanced classes and working hard at getting the AP credit for World History. At the end of the year I passed …show more content…

After waiting until my senior year to actually go to trial, I had to pay a restitution of 1,008$ and go through a system called Restorative Justice. It was a series of three meetings where I met with the owner of the store, my parents and a member of the community to talk about what I’ve done. I wrote an apology letter and we came to terms with what I did. I got my current job at Darby’s to get the money I needed to pay my restitution. So even though this all started with a terrible action, I learned a lot from my mistake. Working for all that money and seeing it instantly disappear from my bank account, and also seeing the damage I did to the owner makes me never want to repeat these sort of

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