Reflective Practice Audit

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Reflective Practice Audit


Within this audit I am going to be talking about the methods of

learning and how they can be assessed.

I will be showing the skills and experiences of which I have, how they

have been developed and a SWOT analysis to evaluate myself. Then I

will have expanded on the findings of my skills and experiences, with

the final point that I will then be constructing a table showing my

short and long-term targets to develop skills and learning styles.

Then I will have a final inclusion of my bibliography and references

by using the Harvard referencing style.


From my research I have found out that there are four main learning

styles of which I have explained below: -


With a pragmatist they like using new ideas, theories and techniques

to find out how they perform. They like applying sensible solutions

to problems, and they are usually willing to recognise that there is

more than likely a more effective method of performance and it is



The reflective learners are cautious and they like to think about

experiences and view them in many different ways to help them come to

a conclusion. When doing this they collect and collate information to

reach a conclusion.


Perfectionists are what theorist learners are known to be as they

prefer to observe, while analysing and solving problems logically.

This type of learners use structures that help information make sense

to them, as they only want to go by theories, not lateral opinions.


People who classify under this style are ready for new experiences, as

they are open-minded and enthusiastic. They like new challenges and

can’t wait for a new exper...

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... of information

and view the whole picture.


For this I have constructed a table to show aims that I need to meet

in the future, as recommendations of my learning: -

Short-term targets

Use my time effectively by performing work for assignments on a daily

basis, and consistently analysing my work to improve the

standards/grammar of work to help me deadlines.

Preparing for presentations, performing them effectively to increase

my confidence and help me be able to answer questions to a certain


Long-term targets

Improve my interaction with people to help me present data to a large

range of aged people.

Learn about more accounting related information such as the law, and

gain more highly skilled accounting qualifications.

Maintain a high level of attendance of which is above 80% over the

year and be highly punctual.

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