Reflective Essay On Life And Death

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The very nature of life and death is a transient one, each man or woman must face their own mortality each moment of their life and none are granted the reprieve of avoiding their inevitable and final fate. What I saw on that fateful night however tested my very framework for belief in such concepts. For indeed life and death seemed barely relevant to the situation at hand, or if indeed they were relevant they came as but a perversion of natural and godly laws that otherwise governed this existence we all share upon this planet. Surely it was not a thing of this world, or at least not anymore though in many ways it looked as though it once could have been.
It was around Two o'clock in the morning on April 14th when I was walking home from the local bar. The company had been especially poor that night, few people had been in attendance and those that had were the same dour faces that were always seen wallowing in their gloom over whatever wasted life they had once lead and were now facing the winter years from. Regardless of the disappointment of the outing I had endeavored to drink till closing time.
I had been at the whiskey that night and uncertain as to the nature of time until the middle aged and balding barkeep had told me of the late hour and ejected me into the cool, sobering spring air. Had he simply locked me in that night perhaps events might have been different but alas he had elected to force me from my stupor. I had stumbled up the hill towards where my house was located. Stumbling occasionally and veering from side to side as only a man possessed by the spirits found at the bottom of a bottle possibly can I made my way up that long tarmac road that snaked its way to the top of the hill. I saw not a soul as I walk...

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... young woman with pure white skin, her eyes bleeding from the corners with the black hair I had seen earlier matted and tangled across her face, mouth contorted into a silent and terrifying scream. Still the TckTckTckTckTck noise sounded from the open mouth. I fell away with great haste from the window and threw shut the curtains behind me. I slept not even slightly for almost all of that night. instead I curled up in the middle of the room with my head in my hands, listening to the chilling noise of the TckTckTckTck sounding from just outside my window.
I must have passed out at some point before dawn for when I awakened I found myself alone in the room and the sound outside the window was gone. So if you find yourself wandering by street lights upon a dark spring morning be flight of foot and sound of purpose should you ever hear the constant sound of TckTckTck.

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