Reflection Paper On Public Speaking

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Public speaking will always be one of my biggest weaknesses in my life. It’s not the fear of a one sided conversation, it’s the public spot light. Over time I have learned to control this fear. I personally believe there are 3 key characteristics that are essential to effective communication; the first is having a clear, concise message. People need to understand what you are saying with little to no struggle on their behalf. This is the main point of a speech, you have something to say to me, I will listen to your message. The second characteristic is adherence to the facts; you must know the actualities about what you are talking about. Without knowing the facts, your message is not trusted, and you will lose your audience because …show more content…

Now and then I will either have to assist in giving crisis classes to the Embassy Community. I have also gotten involved with work with the students at the American School. Despite the students are kids, it’’s still public speaking. I struggled with a youth audience the most. I have been asked to speak to local cub/boy scouts about responsibility and what it’s like to be an Eagle Scout in the Marines. My latest public speech with young student was last week. I am leading my Marine Detachment in a program called Toys for Tots. Every year the Marine Corps, no matter where, push us to get involved with helping collect donations and handing them out to less fortunate children. This would be my 2 time leading this program for my unit. This year I decided to work with the American School and work alongside with their student council in getting them involved to rally their peers to gather donations in which we will collect and then hand them out at a local orphanage’s house. We will also be bringing the student council with us, to teach them even more the importance of charity and helping someone out. Last week I attended their school’s assembly of 200 students. I wore my dress blues and brought a few Marines with me and we talked to the school about the importance of charities and the give recognition to the student in the student council for their leadership in helping us gather some many

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